Posted by: Creegan
Subject: Charter
Date: February 5th, 2006
Guild statement
Our goal has been to combine a recreational, fun style guild with a high-end raiding guild. While we focus on raiding, we try to do it in a fun, friendly environment. It takes dedication, hard work, and a fetish for max debt to accomplish the many difficult tasks that lay ahead, but nobody said it couldn't be fun!
Guild Rules
Respect: In Order of Echelon all players will be treated with respect, regardless of backgrounds, and personal history. This is a guild run by adults for adults, and mature conduct is expected. Guild and Player 'bashing' is not acceptable in our guild chat or public channels (including forums), treat all your fellow players with respect. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but a professional and respectful attitude is expected from OoE members.
Griefing: This includes; Purposefully training, Ninja looting, Kill stealing, and Scamming. This behavior will not be tolerated in Order of Echelon, members who are found doing this will be immediately removed from the guild.
Requesting Help: If it is a raid item that you require, in order to receive help, you must post your request on the Order of Echelon "Quest Help" forum and send an in-game mail to the raid coordinator. Please keep in mind that help requests may take several days, therefore we ask for your patience. Your request will be handled in the order in which it was received. If it is something that does not require a full raid force, feel free to ask for aid in guild, but please specify what you need help with when you ask. This way people will know if they can devote enough time to help you, or may need the same thing as well.
Greed: Greed will not be tolerated in Order of Echelon, it destroys guilds, as such, this is a no greed guild. In order for members to posses the best items, Order of Echelon members will farm and raid to obtain such items.
Raid Items: Raid items are to remain in guild. The selling, auctioning, lending, or trading of guild raid items is strictly prohibited. Keep in mind these items are obtained through the effort of the guild as a whole (your fellow guild members), rather than by a single person (you), as such, the items you obtain in a raid stay in the guild.
Guild Participation: The guild is a family, therefore you should act, and treat yourselves as such. Please show up for events and raids, ask in-guild for groups, and participate in guild related activities as much as possible.
Guild Chat: Spamming, griefing, and obscene or suggestive language is unacceptable in guild chat. Guild and player 'bashing' is also unacceptable in guild chat.
Raid Rules
Guild Raids: Most raids are not mandatory, however sometimes you will be required to raid. If you are online during a raid, it is expected that you would raid with the guild, unless there are some very unusual circumstances, or you will be logging off shortly.
Raid organization:
1. It is extremely important to listen to the raid coordinators planning and running the raid.
2. Do not flood the raid coordinators with tells, as they are pre-occupied trying to organize a successful raid for you, setting up groups, taking the RP list, etc. If you have any questions, please ask a raid monitor for assistance. The raid monitors are the ranked that are not directly involved with leading the raid.
3. Please try to be early for a raid.
4. Guild chat: Guild chat during raids should be kept at a mimimum. Only the raid coordinators should be using guild chat during a raid. Please keep all other conversations in group chat or say. If you have any questions during a raid, please ask a ranked officer for assistance.
5. Raid Loot: Raid loot is offered on a need before greed basis. If it is an all/all item and the stats on it are more geared towards a specific class, then that class will get the item. Raid loot will be given to the raid coordinator or a master for distribution. Do not roll on items until it is determined who is eligible to roll. Most items will be bid on with RP's. You must be finished with your two week probation period to bid on RP items.
Raid Point Accumulation
Points will be awarded at a standard rate per raid.
If more than one Raid encounter occurs in one night, they will be counted as seperate raids.
Points will be awarded as follows:
1 Box = 2 points
2 Box = 2.5 points
3+ Boxes = 3 points
If you are late to a raid, or have to leave before a raid ends, you will be awarded 1 point. No bonuses for extra boxes.
Extra RPs will be awarded for long term (full day+) camping of mobs, or full days of CoTH'ing.
Raid Point Spending
Items garnered by the guild will be open for bid at the conclusion of the raid. A raid coordinator or a master will set the opening bid.
Members attending the raid will be allowed to bid on any item that they have an immediate use for. The character intended to recieve the item must be within 5 levels of using to place a bid. Please restrict your bids to items that you will use. You may not bid your points for another member.
You will only be allowed to bid up to the amount of points that you have listed under the most current raid point totals posted in the raid point forum. You may only bid in whole numbers, no bidding of half raid points will be allowed.
Any items that cannot be used by members in attendance will be transferred to the guild bank. These items will be available for auction at a later time, via a forum auction.
Some items may be designated as guild property as they are required to be shared as needed to achieve the guild's goals. These items will not be open for bidding.
Forums and Website
Forums and Web Site: Valuable information about the game and members is available from these sites. Please register to the forums, as it is a very important means of communication within the guild.
Guild Issues
Recruitment: If you are interested in joining, please send an ingame mail to the Recruitment Staff: Tyldak, and Purraj. You need to have atleast one character suitable for high end raiding (atleast level 55 with master class and ready for max debt). A full guild vote is taken on all applicants. This process can take several days, so all guild members have an opportunity to vote, we ask that you please be patient.
Please Note: There is a 2 week probation period where you are not allowed to bid on rares. However, you do still acrue raid points during this time, and can roll on items that are not put up for bidding.
Dual Guilding: That is, being in two guilds. We require that you only be in one guild at a time. As such, being in another large guild while a member in Order of Echelon is prohibited.
Account Sharing: The account sharing of Order of Echelon members with non Order of Echelon member is not permitted. If you share your account with a person inside the guild, it is your responsiblity to ensure they behave appropriately while using your account.
Alts and Guild Space: There will be a time when space becomes an issue in Order of Echelon. In the future we may restrict alts to (1) per person in the main guild. We do have an alt guild for your extra, and less played alts. Ask a ranked member for an invite to "Order of Altchelon".