Posted by: Creegan
Subject: Guild Updates
Date: 2/21/06

Website updates:

-Major overhaul on the members page. Should all be up to date, as well as full alt listing (linked at bottom of the members page.) I still need some help getting alt information, so please check your info and send an ingame mail to Creegan with any changes or extra info. Thanks!

Guild Events:

Scheduled Raids every Sunday through Thursday evenings at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. Friday and Saturdays may have pick up raids, log in and check! Don't forget to read the charter daily to see what the specific plans for the evenings are.



EQOA Forums

Level 17 - Highpass Hold Side Quests

Zone: Highpass Hold
Quest NPC: Holthis D'Worok

Cleric, Monk, Shadow Knight, Wizard, Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior

Erudite, Dark Elf, Troll

NOTE: The only confirmed Erudite classes that can complete this quest are necromancers and shadow knights.

First Quest:

Speak to Holthis D'Worok in Highpass right outside west gate (by the coachman). He is trying to gather components to make armor for an upper house of Neriak. He requests that you travel west to collect grave spider silk. Travel west to Blakedown. There will be a fork in the road before the Yardley's house which goes west--take it and go to the next zone area which is Bear Cave.

Continue to travel west to Hagley. Once you are in the town head south. Look for the mountains. The spider tomb is on the backside which can not be seen from the road.

Once you are in the tomb kill the spiders and get 3 silks. Then return to Highpass with 600 tunar to get your reward. Speak with Juresi D'Worok for your reward.

Second Quest:

Return to Holthis a second time, after you have completed the 1st quest and received your reward from his sister. He sends you on another quest. First, you need to find Informant Durin in Grobb. He is in the troll warcamp just west of the coach. He gives you information for 500 tunar.

He tells you to travel to Hazinak to kill a courier that has insulted his house. From there head north along the road. A little ways out, you will see a courier up ahead walking towards the city. You must kill him before he reaches the city. He is a level 20 caster, so bring a group. However, he drops 4 scrolls (LORE). You only need to get one; bring it back to Holthis. You get another 263,426 experience and another item from his sister.

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