Level 33 - Bastable Side Quest:
Zone: Bastable Village
Quest NPC: Connor Dunn
Connor mentions that you have a good reputation, (if you have enough bastable faction)and asks you to help a dying man fulfill his family dream to find the Eye of the Wyrm. His grandfather had one-half of a treasure map, but it wasn't enough to find it. His grandfather and father both spent their lives in search of the Eye but never found it. Connor chose not to waste his life searching, but now he regrets that decision. He has recently received a letter from Cambrick Scott in Muniel's Tea Garden, claiming that he has found the other half. As Conner is too old, he asks you to retrieve it.
Cambrick is on the second floor of the Tea Garden. He is disappointed that Connor didn't come. He tells you that he found the map in a tomb in the desert and didn't understand it. When he tried to sell it, he learned of the story, and felt that Connor should have it. He sells the map to you for 1625 tunar.
Connor tells you that the map appears distorted and he can't read it. He gives you his half and tells you of the Key of Three, which his father spent years seeking. You are referred to Father Manstien, a priest outside of Blakedown (SW of the windmill, near a cemetary). The father knows of the Dunn family, and tells you that the Key of Three is a philosophy of death, saying that death has three forms: death that brings life, death that is permanent, and undeath. There are three totems/focus items that are held sacred by followers of this philosophy: the spark of an emberfly, the blood of a vampire, and the parchment from a screaming redwood tree. The death that brings life is the most natural and symbolized by golden emberflies that appear at gravesites of legendary individuals. You will find a gravesite of a ranger on an island in a lake southwest of Blakedown, near the Spider Mine. Permanent death is a tragic loss to the world, as it is the extinction of a species. The screaming redwoods once graced the elven forests, but now the only sample is on the half of the map that Connor gave you. Finally, undeath is the mark of great bane and corruption, the dark magic of necromancers and shadowknights. The Servants of the Sickle live just north of Blakedown, and they have a fledling vampire in their tomb. You'll find the tomb by taking the road north out of town; it will stop, and start up again next to the tomb. The vampire is to the right side of the main chamber. The guards all con light blue, but the vampire is level 33. When you enter the tomb, you will notice a tapestry on the wall that mentions the four seasons of Melissa.
Back at Father Manstien, he tells you that you have everything you need. Read the two halves of the map, which when deciphered says, "Those that seek the Eye of the Wyrm must travel to Melissa's tomb and there place the Key of Three and defeat the Lorx or meet their doom." Travel back to the undead tomb. In the main chamber, you will see an object in the middle of the room that targets as 'Melissa's Tomb.' Interacting with the tomb generates a text box asking if you want to place your objects on the tomb. Saying yes will spawn the Lorxwyrm, which is level 34. Defeating it yields an Eye of the Wyrm for each group member.
Connor is delighted, and for your trouble gives you class-specific leggings and 2,679,818 experience.