Posted by: Creegan
Subject: Guild Updates
Date: 2/21/06

Website updates:

-Major overhaul on the members page. Should all be up to date, as well as full alt listing (linked at bottom of the members page.) I still need some help getting alt information, so please check your info and send an ingame mail to Creegan with any changes or extra info. Thanks!

Guild Events:

Scheduled Raids every Sunday through Thursday evenings at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. Friday and Saturdays may have pick up raids, log in and check! Don't forget to read the charter daily to see what the specific plans for the evenings are.



EQOA Forums

Level 43 - Joyce Sandstalker Quest:

Eternal Desert - Monk Tower

Joyce is making a shield and is trying to outdo her brothers who are all trying to win thier dying father's affection (and inheritance). She knows that one is making a wooden shield and the other a steel shield, but she thinks what her father really wants is a magical shield. She wants to keep the construction of this shield quiet, so she needs you to gather the parts.

The first thing the shield needs is a base. She wants you to get an orb from a crazed mage around Jared's Blight. The crazed mage and his pet are located west of the Darvar Manor coach in a blighted area with dead trees next to a lake near Jared's Tower. You will know the area by the large number of crazed experiments running around. The mage is a level 43 caster and a (triggered) random spawn.

Joyce tells you that the orb should hold the forces well, but now you need a source of power. There is a flamekeeper in Cazic-Thule that has a fire rune that could be useful. To find the flamekeeper, enter the northern temple and follow the hallway to a large pyramid. The flamekeeper (level 43 caster) is on the side of the pyramid with several level 45 guards.

Joyce now wants to add something cold to complement the fire. She requires a tuft of fur from a bear in the caves to the far north in Snowblind Plains named Frost Fur. This cave is on the northern mountain boundary of the zone in the NE quadrant. The cave has blue markers in front of it. After traveling a short distance down the hallway, Frost Fur will spawn.

Now Joyce needs the parts assembled into a shield. Travel to Highpass and speak to Ravarld in the room furthest from the coach. He requires 2652 tunar to do the work. When you bring the completed shield to Joyce, she rewards you with 4,614,516 experience and a pair of boots.

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