Posted by: Creegan
Subject: Guild Updates
Date: 2/21/06

Website updates:

-Major overhaul on the members page. Should all be up to date, as well as full alt listing (linked at bottom of the members page.) I still need some help getting alt information, so please check your info and send an ingame mail to Creegan with any changes or extra info. Thanks!

Guild Events:

Scheduled Raids every Sunday through Thursday evenings at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. Friday and Saturdays may have pick up raids, log in and check! Don't forget to read the charter daily to see what the specific plans for the evenings are.



EQOA Forums

Level 45 - Pandrig Fultin Quest:

Castle Light Wolf - North Wilderlands

Pandrig Fultin is on the third floor of the west tower. He requires that you have favorable faction (+150 or so) with Castle Lightwolf before he will give you the quest. This faction can be obtained by slaying beasts inside Lady Vox's Castle in Permafrost.

Pandrig tells you that his sword was stolen and would like it returned. The woman that stole it has disappeared. For help in finding where this woman has gone, Pandrig sends you to Quinton at the inn at the crossroads just west of Castle Lightwolf.

Quinton is an impertinent dwarf that demands 2875 tunar for the information. He tells you to seek out Snow Guardian Clouwe in Halas for more leads.

Clouwe is located outside the Halas tunnel near one of the guard towers. She is reluctant to help you because she knows that the woman who stole the sword will die. However, everyone has a price, and Clouwe's is a pelt from a bear known as Glacier. This bear spawns in Permafrost, typically in the southeast sector. He is a level 46 casting bear that seems to see through invisibility.

After giving her the pelt, Clouwe tells you that the woman was headed to Wyndhaven. She suggests that you talk to Chef Tallik in the inn there.

The chef needs an incentive to refresh his memory, and he tells you to go to Zentar's Keep and hunt the ice worms so that you can obtain 3 chunks of ice worm meat. What you are really hunting are great worms, as they are the only ones that drop chunks of meat. The great worms are random spawns ranging from levels 43-46, but they seem to be most frequent northwest of the keep itself. While most worms are neutral, great worms have hostile faction. The area will likely be crowded with scores of wildlife, making it highly probable that random critters will jump into your fight.

Now that the chef can make his famous stew, he is willing to divulge more information. He tells you that the woman has gone into the wilderness north of Castle Lightwolf. To find her, go through the north gate and head northeast. She has taken up residence in an icetomb that is by a lake and a broken bridge (Anu Village zone). Most of the undead in the tomb are level 50 or higher and have a large agro range on anything that isn't invisible. You must have the quest to trigger the spawn, and you must retrigger it after every kill by going to the cave entrance and back (invisible, of course). Olivia McFadden is the name of the woman, and she is level 46. If she is already spawned, she will be in the middle of the room, requiring you to kill the icetomb archers to get to her. When you respawn her, she will walk around the room, passing by the west wall. This is a good place to set an ambush for her, as it is out of agro range of everything else.

Returning the sword to Pandrig you receive his undying thanks, as well as 6,722,242 experience and a piece of class-specific headgear.

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