Posted by: Creegan
Subject: Guild Updates
Date: 2/21/06

Website updates:

-Major overhaul on the members page. Should all be up to date, as well as full alt listing (linked at bottom of the members page.) I still need some help getting alt information, so please check your info and send an ingame mail to Creegan with any changes or extra info. Thanks!

Guild Events:

Scheduled Raids every Sunday through Thursday evenings at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. Friday and Saturdays may have pick up raids, log in and check! Don't forget to read the charter daily to see what the specific plans for the evenings are.



EQOA Forums

The Npc's name is Grimm Bellhand. He is located in Gramash Ruins (S) . Basically to get there you head northeast,east out of Murnf village. He is under 1 of 2 houses right next to eachother. The 2 houses are on the north side of a fairly large hill. He is the one in front of an anvil. He gives all three quests for lvl 47 and you have to do them in order.

First Quest:

Ores 1,2,3,4
First he asks you to find some ore for him so he sends you to gerntars mines to talk to someone near the coach. That guy in turn wants you to help him with minotaurs or some sob story, anyways he tells you to buy a pickaxe and head to the mines. You buy a pickaxe from the merchant next to him. Then you head off to the mino mines. This part is easiest with invis, cause you can still get the message with invis on. So you go in the first mine and go to the back of the tunnel without the named. At the very back of the tunnel you will get some message to dig or something. Then skip the second mine and go to the third. At the 2 ends of tunnels in the third mine you should get 2 more ores. Then you talk to the named guy in the third cave that is white faced to you. He gives you some story about some evil slavedriving minotaur. So then you venture to the 2nd cave. And you go to the back and you get some dig type message. Then the slavemassa pops on you, hopefully you got a bud with ya! Once you finish him off you get his horn and all these white faced minos show up and start praising you. So you talk to the named mino from before that is now in the second cave with ya. He takes your horn and you all of a sudden are bluefaced with all Minos now!! Then you go back to the guy at GM coach. Then back to Grimm again.

Ores 5 and 6
Now Grimm wants some more rare ore i guess. So he sends you to Cazic Thule to look for an excavator and a tunneler. The main Cazic Thule temple is in Cazic Thule (N) . I'm pretty sure its the only temple that you can go down in. Its kinda close to the bridges over the water. So you go down in the temple and there is a pyramid inside the temple. You may remember this spot from the quest for the firekeeper, cant remember if it was 45 or 43. You fall down into the pyramid to where all the Tae Ew archons and champions are. There are 4 different hallways out of the main hall in this room. One hall leads to some gators. One hall leads to a small room of about 6 archon and champion spawns. Another hall leads to a dead end where there is a cluster of 3 or 4 mobs facing the dead end. The one furthest back, closest to the wall, is the placeholder for the Tae Ew Tunneler. So you have to camp that hall for a couple hours probably to get 1 or 2 of em. And the last hall leads to a room that has 2 lvls. A couple spawns around the top and about 4 spawns on the bottom floor. 2 of the mobs on the bottom floor flank a portal, and the other 2 are on the opposite wall. The placeholder for the Tae Ew Excavator would be the right mob on the wall if you were standing on the portal. This is another random spawn up to a hour or more for each one, sometimes less though. When you finally get those 2 ores you take them back to Grimm. Then he gives you an item and some xp for your troubles.

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