Posted by: Creegan
Subject: Guild Updates
Date: 2/21/06

Website updates:

-Major overhaul on the members page. Should all be up to date, as well as full alt listing (linked at bottom of the members page.) I still need some help getting alt information, so please check your info and send an ingame mail to Creegan with any changes or extra info. Thanks!

Guild Events:

Scheduled Raids every Sunday through Thursday evenings at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. Friday and Saturdays may have pick up raids, log in and check! Don't forget to read the charter daily to see what the specific plans for the evenings are.



EQOA Forums
Speak with the Prophet of Kumaj in Kerra Isle (SE). He will give you a totem and tell you to take it to a shrine close to the coast in the Abysmal Sea. Look for a series of a monoliths surrounded by Hama Dyrads.

Approach the shrine to receive a pop-up which will ask you to defeat a renegade merman who has been terrorizing the local Kerran fisherman. He can be found to the west of the shrine in the sea. Swim close to the Kerran fishing ports and survey the water for him. Defeat him and return to the shrine with the loot.

At the shrine, you will receive another pop-up. This one will ask you to defeat the Kobal Battemaster found in the Kobal cave in the Warrens. He has a place-holder. When you enter the Kobal cave turn right. He is located in the first large room. The place-holder is located at the back of the room in a small alcove. It, as well as the krrgar's placeholder, whom you will also require for this quest, spawn about every 20-30 minutes. They have a linked timer, so you may want to farm them simultaneously. To find the Minion of Krrgar, head left when you enter the Kobal cave. When you have passed through the first few chambers, Instead of following the path down to the King, head left. He can be found there. Krgar cons blue to a level 60 and has a nec pet. It is not suggested that you attempt to solo him. Return to the shrine when you have defeated the Battlemaster.

The shrine will now ask you to find three Kappa Defiler staffs and take them to the Prophet. Kappa Defilers spawn about every two hours in the basement of the Kappa Citadel in Syn Dwell. As it is a popular camp, you may have to ask the group camping there if they wouldn't mind allowing you too loot the staffs.

Once you have returned to the prophet, he will ask you to locate the remains of three Kerran Shamen, which have been stolen by Pirate Graverobbers. The Graverobbers can on the same islands as the Ratmen in the Cape Dreg. Head NE from Stone and check all of the small islands around the main Ratmen camp . Graverobbers only melee, so they're not difficult to solo.

Once you have returned to the Prophet, he will ask you to find the powerful nec Othmut, and destroy him! Othmut can be found in South Toxxulia. He does not spawn in any fixed location, so you may have to wander around the zone in search of him. As he is a nec, if at all possible avoid soloing him.

The Prophet now sends you back to the Kobold caverns in the Warrens to defeat the arch nec Krrgar. If you have not already done so, do so now.

After you have returned to the Prophet he will ask you to speak with the same NPC who you gave the Gargogyle statue too for the Kerra 53. Once you have spoken with them they will send you to Highbourne to speak with a Erudite Courier. The Courier is located close to the bridge in Qeynos Prison (S). They will sell you the statue for 10,770 tunar. Purchase it and return to the Prophet for your reward.

Quest Reward - 56 Million Xp

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