Posted by: Creegan
Subject: Guild Updates
Date: 2/21/06

Website updates:

-Major overhaul on the members page. Should all be up to date, as well as full alt listing (linked at bottom of the members page.) I still need some help getting alt information, so please check your info and send an ingame mail to Creegan with any changes or extra info. Thanks!

Guild Events:

Scheduled Raids every Sunday through Thursday evenings at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. Friday and Saturdays may have pick up raids, log in and check! Don't forget to read the charter daily to see what the specific plans for the evenings are.



EQOA Forums
Recommendations: Organize a strong war party composed of 8-16 players. Bring Ar gear and 3,000 to cover the cost of the key.

Island 1: On the main island, purchase the Key of the Ancients and approach the Essence of Night. There you should receive a pop-up which will send you to the first island. Upon your arrival have everyone in the raiding party run to the opposite side of the island with out speaking to with the Voice of the Ancients. Have the raiding party set up camp on either side of the two rows of columns, not in the center. Pick a sacrificial lamb with high Hp and have them speak with the Voice of the Ancients. Doing so spawns four mobs which will proceed to send them back to Norath in a pine box. Have them begin death-gating back to the raid party and prepared to fight the Denizen which will spawn five minutes after the initial mobs and in close proximity to the raiding party. Three minutes after that another mob, a Ancient Squire will spawn between the two rows of columns. Defeating that mob spawns a portal to the next island. Begin sending your troops through. Have the kill-group go last.

Island 2: You have two choices on this island: You can either attempt to fight your way through the Golems, or you can death-gate. If you choose to fight, you will have to progress slowly. The mobs do not drop loot, nor are they easy to fight in multiplies. They also spawn with in close proximity of each other.

At the far end of the island is an invisible wall which can be bypassed by creeping along the edge. Position your war party outside of the LoS of the Iron Knight and prepare for battle.

The Iron Knight has a 2,000 Ac debuff and spawns every 30-60 minutes. High Agi is recommended for this particular mob. The Iron Knight does drop some decent rares, so you're war party may consider setting up camp here and farming him for awhile. After you have defeated him a portal appears which will allow you to advance to the next island. Again, have the kill-group go through last.

Island 3: When you arrive on the island you will receive a pop-up. Your objective is to save the maiden from almost certain death. To accomplish this you most prevent the mobs from slaughtering her. Invis past the servants and position your war party in the towers to defeat the Bishops. There is a slight chance the servants will see through your invis, so move quickly. With Ar equipped even a single 60 can solo a Bishop.

This island also tends to be a very popular farming location. It is not uncommon to find many of the towers occupied by pet casters farming the Bishops. If this is the case, give them fair warning and progress to the next island.

Island 4: The mobs here have a 3,000 Ac debuff. Progress to the end of the island and speak with the essence to advance to the next island. If you hit an invisible wall, use the log-out/log-in trick to bypass it. The following is also recommended:

Corb wrote:
On the 4th Island with the holes in it, you can make it through without the log out log in trick. Best bet is to have everyone follow a few casters who know how to directionally cast their pets and can use them to see if the floor exists in that direction or not. Also you can change the camera viewing angle and see the holes in some areas too.

Island 5: Welcome to King Ruthra's personal temple of doom! The best strategy to combat the King's lethal port is to pave a path from the where he ports you too, back to him. That means the raiding party will first be required to farm all the mobs between those two points until they drop a gem or rare. Assign one person the sole job of keeping the corpses fresh.

For the Squires, Bishops and King equip Ar. The Mages are Fr, Cr and Ar Based. Defeat all the mobs and prepare to do battle with the vile king!

King Ruthra has the tendency to port whom every his aggro on. You might want to consider Cothing in some reserve troops to keep the heat on him as the battle tends to turn into pure mayhem once the MT has been ported. Defeat Ruthra and speak with the essence which spawn on the second floor of the temple.

Congratulations, you have completed the Night chain. Have the kill-group speak with the Manifestation of Night to verify they have been flagged.

Source: Gimps, Roenick.

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