Posted by: Creegan
Subject: Guild Updates
Date: 2/21/06

Website updates:

-Major overhaul on the members page. Should all be up to date, as well as full alt listing (linked at bottom of the members page.) I still need some help getting alt information, so please check your info and send an ingame mail to Creegan with any changes or extra info. Thanks!

Guild Events:

Scheduled Raids every Sunday through Thursday evenings at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. Friday and Saturdays may have pick up raids, log in and check! Don't forget to read the charter daily to see what the specific plans for the evenings are.



EQOA Forums

General Were Quest Information: (Information obtained from

A were-quest can be logged by a level 30-60 character. In most cases, the quests mobs are the same level as the person who triggers them. These quests are not intended to be soloed, so bring help.

To log the quest you will require at least 0 faction with the appropriate were-from. You will require an additional 500+ faction after becoming “infected” with a were-disease.

In order to get "infected," you need to fight were-creatures close to your approximate level. Bordeal has said that there is a 1% chance of being infected. There is no indication that you’ve been infected until you approach the tail-quest NPC, at which time you will receive a pop-up. It is uncertain what the relationship is between the chances of being infected and how high your faction is. Players have been infected with as low as 250+ faction with a were-creature. However, in a recent update Yakatizma, an EQOA Dev had the following to say:

Yakatizma wrote:

"Some people have reporting getting the pop-ups prematurely. You need 1000 min faction to accept the infection.

Do not select "no" when speaking to the tail quest NPC. Farm the appropriate level mobs until you recieve the pop-up."

Infection Myths:

Allowing a mob to beat on you for three hours does not improve your chances of becoming infected. The aoe is not a sign of infection. If you die you do not lose the infection. If you log-off after you have farmed were-beasts you do not lose the infection.

It would appear that the infection is a "group flag," similar to Grundle. On four separate occasions players have reported multiple members of their group have contracted an infection. This would lead us to assume that it is not a melee proc.

If you are having difficulty finding were-creatures, kill the roamers in the appropriate zone. Were-creatures are apart of the same mob pool as roamers and may replace them during the next spawn phase.

All stats are at level 60. Blue indicates a positive stat, red negative. The first stat is the basic form, second stat the first upgrade and third stat the final upgrade. The first upgrade costs 50 cms. The second costs 25. The -Int/Str can be resisted with high Ar. With enough Ar you can resist as much as 45 of the -50 Int/Str from the 3rd form.

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