Posted by: Creegan
Subject: Guild Updates
Date: 2/21/06

Website updates:

-Major overhaul on the members page. Should all be up to date, as well as full alt listing (linked at bottom of the members page.) I still need some help getting alt information, so please check your info and send an ingame mail to Creegan with any changes or extra info. Thanks!

Guild Events:

Scheduled Raids every Sunday through Thursday evenings at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. Friday and Saturdays may have pick up raids, log in and check! Don't forget to read the charter daily to see what the specific plans for the evenings are.



EQOA Forums
Level 40 Spell Quests:

Talk to the appropriate class specific NPC in Temby. They will ask you to speak with Nunnie in Urglunt's wall. Nunnie can be found close to the large cyclops house east of the main gate. Although he may be red-faced, he will not attack you. Return to the NPC

The NPC will now ask you to speak with Tricksen in Broken Skull Rock. He can found without much difficulty if you survey the beach. Return to the NPC.

Your next task is to defeat a Ew Tae Trader in Cazic Thule (NW) The mob appears to be triggered. Roam the area until you con the mob or are jumped by it.

Having done that, the NPC sends you to Tak Xiz South to defeat the Ew Tae Horder. Cross the river into the zone into (W) or (C) and search for a small hill surrounded by a thick mist. He will trigger when you approach. He cons white to a 60 and is not soloable. Bring assistance.

Distracting Squecks
Rge Brd Ran
Ac debuff


Swarm Mentality
Wis Enc Nec Mage Alc
Grp pow max buff

Defence of the swarm
War Sk Pal
67 str/342 Ac group buff

Rat's Pride
Cl Sha Drd
115 cha self-buff

Site is owned by Order of Echelon. Edited and Created by Jason Coded by Miko Reznor.